Sunday, December 2, 2012

Bottled Up Emotions

Whether we like to admit it or not, emotions dictate day-to-day decisions. They hold a firm grasp on controlling daily lives. Many actions, words, and decisions are based off of emotions. From the first episode, Christina is presented as a hard, emotionless person. Her mind is so focused on being a doctor that it often appears she doesn’t feel, much less express those feelings. But we soon find out, that even the hardest people have walls that can be broken. Christina surprises everyone by succumbing to love and eventually a pregnancy. Throughout her pregnancy she was numb at the idea of having a child. She was ready to abort, scared by the unknown of a changing life. But nature intervened and provided a sad life lesson. Christina unwillingly lost her baby. And try as she might, she could no longer hold her emotions in. Humans are social creatures full of feelings and worries. If kept locked up, they will explode. Bottling up emotions sometimes may serve a purpose. It may be used as a coping mechanism or a defense mechanism. People, like Christina, believe emotions are a sign of weakness and want to give others the impression they are strong. Often we create how we should feel or act in our minds. So when emotions do not match up to the image the mind created, one becomes confused. Hence, people act and succumb to fakery to ease themselves. 

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